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C&D Lock and security

Residential Mobile locksmith service

Complete home rekey services for $99 .



Our contractors offer Commercial, Residential, GSA Locksmith services, Safe and Vault, Alarm Monitoring, Appliance repairs and Access control services for the Entire state of Oregon. We are Centrally located in Eugene/Springfield Oregon and are a 100% NON-Smoking Company, NO call centers, No Gimmicks!!



November 11th, 2024

Hello friends and neighbors. Welcome to the C&D Lock and Security website. We hope you find what you are looking for. We started this company in Oregon after 26 years of Locksmith and Government security work. We are centrally located in Springfield/Eugene Oregon where we can respond anywhere within 6 hours. We are a Commercial, Residential, GSA Locksmith and Security company. Whether you need a home rekeyed or an entire City, we are your company.

Our residential Locksmiths rates are the most affordable in the state. We will rekey ANY house in the State for $99. Just ask! *


C&D Lock and Security is your One stop shop. We keep the costs down by not charging more just because you live 100 miles away. It costs the same as if you live 1 mile away from our office. We will provide excellent service and prices based on the volume of calls we receive. Our technicians drive economy cars to save fuel. Not every call needs a large service van. We also have 2 commercial vans and 2 minivans for larger jobs and 2 smaller vehicles for lite commercial work. We are also Family owned and operated.


C&D Lock and Security Commercial locksmiths, Eugene, Oregon Take care of a number of clients ranging from small residential, commercial and national companies along with government agencies. I hope you find what you need. Please bookmark us and come back often to see what's new.



Let's keep is simple ALL HOME REKEYS ARE $99. THATS IT, PRETTY SIMPLE. Some restrictions may apply, such as you must have keys to all the locks you wish to have changed. Thank you!

I Am Your Locksmith

I am your locksmith. All too often I see you after a traumatic burglary, when you are scared and upset. Many times you call me to improve your security when it is already too late. Your home is violated your property is stolen. The door locks were old, and the door frame was weak. Entering your house was an easy task for the criminal. I cannot turn back the clock and prevent your misfortune, when your business is vandalized, your home robbed, I will come quickly. I will fix the locks which have been super-glued, I will install a new lock when the old one is broken. When your door key is lost, I will come right over to pick the lock. I will let you in your business and I will make you a new key.

I am your Locksmith. Sometimes you call me when your keys are locked in your car. You are frustrated by the inconvenience. But when you call, I will be right there with the tools and training to resolve your problem without damaging your car.

I'm there when you lose all your car keys. I can run your VIN number or pull down the steering column to remove the ignition. I read the code numbers on the lock and make you a new key to get you on your way.

I am a Locksmith. I am available to cut you a new key when the one from the hardware store doesn't work. I'll install a new deadbolt for you when the builder's hardware fails to work.

I am your Locksmith. Often, when you call me, you have had some sort of trouble. Security is not usually on your mind until you have had a problem. I have been trained to secure and protect your home, your business, your property…and yes, even your life. I know that many hardware stores sell locks cheaper than I can. I know that in some towns the police will open your locked car at no charge. And I will be there for you when the cheap imported lock breaks. And I will be there for you when the police damage your car with their "free" service.

I am your Locksmith. I take my profession very seriously. We are 4th generation Locksmiths In the best of all worlds, you'd call me to repair your locks before someone took advantage of you and destroys your property. In my dreams, people realize that a locking doorknob is not enough protection for them and their family. I'd love you to call me for a deadbolt before someone tears off your doorknob with a pipe wrench. I am a businessman, a diplomat, a psychologist and a locksmith. I am your protector when noone else can. I spend my entire career trying to help you keep out the bad guys. Sickness is the enemy of the doctor. And the criminal is the enemy of the locksmith. I will be there to help you after the break-in. But it will bother me to know that a little security would have prevented your loss. I will be there to help you protect what is yours. I offer products and services to help secure your car, your home, your business and more. I am constantly learning more about how to protect you. In my profession, I am sworn to protect and secure the property and safety of the public. You may still call me after a loss. But I would rather be there first to help prevent that loss. Criminals offend me. Your security is a sacred trust to me.

Quoted from my book...

*You must ask to receive discounted rekey rate.


Click below for our video of the week. This week Commercial Locksmiths MEDECO XT

The "no wires" access control system and the NIGHTLOCK1 SCHOOL AND OFFICE DEFENSE SYSTEM

Commercial locksmith

Commercial Locksmith

Locksmith, Intrusion and Fire

C&D Lock and security

Property Management

Residential Locksmith and Security

Lockout services

Lockout Service

Vehicle, Home or Business Lockout Service

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